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OTBM Launches TechCement

OTB Materials today announced the launch of a revolutionary low-carbon and cost-effective alternative to concrete.  TechCement™ provides enhanced end-products for the concrete and cement industries without the “green premium” often associated with climate-friendly products. Using their patent pending process, the company can take several of the world’s abundant waste streams and create better cements without creating the massive amount of CO2 emitted by ordinary portland cement. 


New York State Pollution Prevention Institute issues final report for Sulfcrete 

The New York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) conducted a project entitled, “Greenhouse Gas Evaluation of Green Sulfcrete Corp.’s Sulfur Polymer Technologyfor Green Sulfcrete Corp. (GSC) to perform a greenhouse gas (GHG)
impact assessment of their product.

The analysis resulted in a GHG ERP of 564 – 744 kg CO2e/ tonne pellets, and an annual  estimated GHG ERP between 20,466 tonne - 26,998 tonne CO2e/ year. The analysis also revealed that the use of their proprietary modifier as well as transportation distances were the
main contributors to the GHG impact of the Sulfcrete products. GSC is working on developing new partnerships and scalable processes for utilizing waste oils in their product manufacturing, which would decrease the GHG ERP further. GSC may pursue another GHG ERP assessment at a future time if any product component significantly changes.

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Debunking the Myth:
The Surprising Affordability of Green Materials

A prevailing belief in the construction industry is that adopting green materials and technologies will inevitably lead to higher project costs. This perception often stems from the assumption that environmentally friendly options require more advanced technology or complex manufacturing processes, which in turn result in higher price tags. However, the reality is that green materials can be competitively priced, and in some cases, even cost less than their conventional counterparts.

Building a Sustainable Future

One key incentive in the Inflation Reduction Act is the creation of a tax credit for the production and use of low embodied carbon building materials. This tax credit is available to companies that produce or use building materials with a low carbon footprint, and is designed to encourage the adoption of more sustainable building practices. SulfCrete and TechCement both have a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to traditional building materials like portland cement, making them eligible for this tax credit.

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